Friday, November 30, 2007



Wednesday, November 28, 2007





所以,做为一名新闻工作者,正确的 “态度” 和 “价值观” 是无可后非地。

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Two Most Significant Women in Every Man's Life

We all know the infamous "Which comes first? The Chicken or the Egg?" question. Difficult isn't it? A question strongly debated at great length over the ages by scientists and religious scholars. But still... not the most tedious.

The all-time most tedious question I think that would cripple most people is the one where you are placed in a difficult predicament to whether you would... "Save your mum or your spouse first?" if they were both waiting for your rescue. A super sensitive question that poses great stress with no answer that would not compromise the relationship between the two most significant women in a man's life. It makes the Black-Scholes Model in my finance module seems like a PSLE question (maybe it was one of the Section C question which so many students cried about this year). No man should be made to go through this ordeal.

Lucky for me, I dun think I will need to worry about going through that ordeal, thanks to a wonderful wife and a great mum.

Happy birthday Mum!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Yup! That's 'MII' (me) on the Nintendo WII! 象吗? Haha... Supercool console although it takes a bit of getting used to and mastering it. But just think of it... Now I have a bowling alley, a boxing ring, a tennis court, a baseball field and a freaking golf course in my flat!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

看見"郭美美"... 我不怕不怕啦!

Introducing 郭美美! Cute girl with amazingly big eyes. This was taken in a Jap restaurant for a food review. Look out for my shots of her in U-Weekly in a few weeks time.

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