The day the Earth moved and I shot Fann Wong

Last night's swaying lasted for about two minutes and this morning's lasted for about a minute as multiple earthquakes and aftershocks hit Indonesia. It has got to be one of the most frequent and most felt in recent times as the quakes occured nearer to our small island. Singaporeans are already so concerned about sloshing fish tanks and clanking utensil... I can only imagine how people in Sumatra feel as the earth literally moved under their feet.
Today's job also brought me a 'earth-moving' chance for an exclusive interview (and photoshoot) with Fann Wong. She's quite nice in person although I think that's because she has gotten used to tactfully handle the media. As for the shoot, it was quite fulfilling for me as Fann Wong is soooo... photogenic. But the age is starting to show...
As the s(w)aying goes... "Time and Tide (think tsunami) waits for no man."
With perks that come with this job, its no wonder you ditch a well-paying career ... *envious*
So shiok..I want to follow you to your workplace... Krys
hahaha... funny post...
sounds like ur job has lots of perks ;p
on earth shaking news :
the last time the earth shook and we felt it was on ur bday!
tis time ard, i m lucky. was not in office on the fateful evening and morning...thank goodness for work/life balance
on fann :
谁说岁月不留痕? 岁月无情才是真,红颜弹指老!
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