
It's not as easy as it looks to cook a simple hard-boiled egg to perfection. Temperature... timing... etc etc etc... Here are a few tips I've picked up:
1. Be sure that the temperature difference between the water and the eggs is not too great. For example, never put eggs from the refrigerator straight into boiling water. The eggs will crack for sure due to "热胀冷缩". Hence, we can warm the eggs (with warm water or our hands) first before putting them into the pot. And turn down the heat to make sure the water is not boiling hot when we put the eggs in.
2. Add salt or vinegar to the water so that should the eggs crack, the whites will coagulate faster to prevent further seepages. I prefer salt cause the smell of vinegar is too strong for me. Salty whites taste nicer too... haha...
3. Roll the eggs about in water for the first 30sec to 1min after you put them in the pot. This action will attempt to "centralize" the yolks in the center of the eggs rather than stick to the sides. Purely for aesthetic purposes.
4. Put the eggs in cold water immediately after you have cooked them. This will make it easier for you to remove the shell. The whites inside will contract and not 'stick' to the shells.
The egg in the pic was boiled for about 5-6min under small heat. The yolk was not fully cooked for the best taste and easy digestion. A fully cooked one would take about 9-10min.
If you have any more tips. Do share them here!
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